Discover Aquaji’s main features

How many people entered the store and what is the age range and gender breakdown of my customers?

Foot-traffic counts

Measure and qualify your store's performance and compare its evolution over time

Footfall is based on the number of detected individuals, in this case 397,228

Aquaji identified 385,382 people, which represents an increase of 7.2% over the previous period

Our software goes beyond foot traffic counts and can determine if these are first-time or returning shoppers

Gender detection

Discover visitor gender counts and variance

Our second chart shows shopper gender counts and variance during the day.

While there are fewer male shoppers overall, we see more male visits on Saturdays compared to the previous year.

Our people counting software can easily identify trends, such as a 1% drop in female visits.

Age range detection

Analyze the results by age range

As you can see, this store caters to a younger demographic.

Most of our shoppers are under 45 years old and those under 25 show the biggest increase in foot-traffic.

You can rely on our foot traffic analytics software to provide actionable insights for your business.

Context Aware Digital Signage Automation

How it works aquaji

When you interface Aquaji with Navori’s QL digital signage software, programmed content reacts and adapts to real-time events based on the viewer’s profile.
For example, your screens could display unique content to women or men within a specific age group.


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StiX 5700 facilitates Computer Vision and Digital Signage

This device supports every AQUAJI feature and module*. The onboard computer vision software can analyze up to 25 individuals simultaneously based on data captured by a USB or IP camera.

This device is also a powerful digital signage media player you can use in commercial applications. Optional accessories such as USB cameras and telephoto lenses are also available.

stix-5700 player

power line PoE – Power over Ethernet

* Software license not included.